
entornos y creamos oportunidades para la inclusión efectiva, a partir de programas de generación de valor social y ambiental que contribuyen a la Agenda 2030 de Desarrollo Sostenible.


We design tailor-made initiatives, maximizing investment and generating shared value with communities and partners, seeking their sustainability.


The best way to transform realities is to join efforts in a common purpose. We tell you how we work hand in hand with communities, the public and private sectors, the academy and the media.

36 multinational and Colombian companies discussed best practices and challenges to expand job opportunities to diverse groups and generate inclusive workspaces, where well-being, productivity and sustainability of human talent is promoted.
In Florencia, Caquetá, we carried out the launch of the second phase of the project Young Resilient Agri-Entrepreneurs, which in 2023, will focus on the departments of the North of Santander, Antioquia and Meta.


Consulta aquí las oportunidades para trabajar con nosotros


Our projects positively impact communities and territories thanks to those who participate in them.


Our projects positively impact communities and territories thanks to those who participate in them. Here we tell you stories which inspire!

With the fruit of these products, my children study, eat, dress themselves and much more