Enterprises to fight deforestation

In Colombia, one of the most biodiverse countries in the world, according to figures from the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, 3,182,876 hectares of forest have been deforested in the last two decades. Unsustainable practices of extensive cattle ranching, illicit crops, illegal mining, armed conflict and expansion of the agricultural frontier are some of its causes.

“I used to live here when I was little. At that time, the ravine was larger, due to the felling of trees, its size has been reduced. For this reason, we must all act to take care of it, because without water we cannot live”

Milena Bernal, Puerto Libertador.


  1. Socialization, sensitization and coordination of areas to mitigate deforestation and stabilize the agricultural frontier.
  2. Construction and implementation of agreements to use, order and regulate productive activities in accordance with the conservation objectives and the living conditions of the communities.
  3. Provision of technical assistance and rural extension services for sustainable production.

How we did it

The heart of the strategy consists of reaching Agreements for the Use and Conservation of the lands occupied by families in the intervention areas, mapping their productive activities to determine how they are contributing to deforestation. FAVLA then provides technical assistance and market connections to redirect practices towards sustainable activities that generate livelihoods for families.

Con el objetivo de aportar a las metas país de conservación, FAVLA diseñó y desarrolla el proyecto “Emprendimiento Social y Económico para la Lucha Contra la Deforestación”, en el que participan 1.677 personas de comunidades indígenas y campesinas, en el marco de una estrategia para impulsar emprendimientos ecosostenibles en las zonas amortiguadoras de los Parques Nacionales Naturales Catatumbo, Paramillo y Sierra Nevada.

A través del Fondo Colombia Sostenible, que cuenta con aportes de los gobiernos de Noruega, Suecia y Suiza, y bajo la administración del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo BID, la Fundación ACDI/VOCA LA ejecuta esta iniciativa de la mano del Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible, Parques Nacionales Naturales de Colombia y las comunidades.


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