Young Resilient Agri-entrepreneurs

In Colombia, 2 in every 5 young people are unemployed or have a precarious job. Contributing to the generation of economic opportunities is the ambition of the Nestle Global Youth Initiative. FAVLA promotes the development of the next generation of rural agri-entrepreneurs in the areas most affected by the armed conflict in Colombia, offering them emotion support, seed capital and technical assistance to strengthen their own coffee roasting, cupping and barista, transformation of bananas in snacks, cultivation of passion fruit and Hass avocado for export and provision of agricultural services.

“Being a barista is my passion, I want to become a professional in this art. This project has prompted me to think about new alternatives to develop business ideas in my region”

Daniela Casas, barista Vista Hermosa.

How we did it

  1. Generating a pathway to promote rural agri-enterprises, promoting self-management and empowerment, formalising productive initiatives with models aimed at associativity, sustainability and collaborative work.
  2. Strengthening the technical capacities of the participants with the purpose of learning by doing, promoting good agri-industrial practices, improving production and connecting the enterprises to markets.
  3. Encouraging creativity and innovation as key skills to forge a mentality that allows young people to build a vision of the future of their life project and productive initiative.
  4. Through the Program for social change DecidoSer a Champion, which was implemented through youth resilience plans, collective meetings and home visits.


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