My life changed

Karen Mosquera is a 21-year-old, who was born in the capital of the department of Chocó, Quibdó, who, by mid-2022, had given up on her dreams of being a singer and even her wil to live. “I only wanted to die, and I didn’t think that someone would want to help me or that someone could be simply interested in my life. I was going through a critical emotional situation and this opportunity was a lifesaver for me”, she said.
“It changed my life”, says Karen Venesa Mosquera, referring to her participation in the ‘Move to the rhythm of the beat’ initiative.
Through the insistence of her mum and some of her friends, who shared with her daily information from the call through social media, Karen made the decision, without any expectations, to participate in ‘Move to the rhythm of the beat’, at first only thinking in the training in musical production she would receive, without knowing that this experience also included a component of therapy that would transform her life.
Although ‘Move it’ was an initiative that was born from the synergy of various organizations such as the Inter-American Development Bank, the Colombian Family Welfare Institute, DNA Music and the ACDI/VOCA LA Foundation, among others, with the aim of contributing to the necessary tools for young people to be part of the music industry, specifically in the field of production, also included the methodology for social change Decido Ser, focused on the development of skills for the 21st century such as empowerment, resilience, self-confidence, assertive communication, leadership, conflict resolution, among others.

“DecidoSer was one of the best parts of the program because it influenced my life for good. I write songs, I sing, and, because of my emotional breakdown, there were months where I couldn’t write a song like I normally did. The first song which broke that pause in my life, was the one I dedicated to DecidoSer, that’s how it’s called, and since then I’ve been able to have more ideas and be more creative. Little by little I m improving, thanks to all the lessons I have learnt from this program”.

For Karen, art is also a way to reduce violence, which is why she insists in that there continue to be this type of opportunities in her territory, so that “the children and young people can overcome their difficulties through music and therapy, independent of their socioeconomic background or the situation in the city”. For her, the youth of her territory would advance better if they had a life project and the possibility to materialize it.

Karen’s dream is to be a world-renowned singer and she feels that after her participation in ‘Move it’ she now knows the steps to take to achieve and turn her vocation for music into a profession. In addition, she is in her eighth semester studying law and is confident she will be able to combine these two professions.

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